Munich – Based on the resolution of the Supervisory Board of Formycon AG (ISIN: DE000A1EWVY8/ WKN: A1EWVY) dated June 27, 2022, the election proposal under agenda item 9 of the agenda for the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Formycon AG published in the Federal Gazette on May 20, 2022 shall be amended. The Supervisory Board of Formycon AG now proposes Dr. Thomas Strüngmann for election as a member of the Supervisory Board.

In a statement to the Supervisory Board dated June 27, 2022, the initially proposed candidate declared that she was no longer available for the proposed election to the Supervisory Board of the Company for personal reasons.

The Supervisory Board wants to adhere to the proposed elections to the Supervisory Board in the interests of the Company. Against the background of the new fact that the originally proposed candidate is no longer available, the Supervisory Board cannot adhere to its previous proposed resolution and has therefore amended it accordingly.

The Supervisory Board is convinced of the qualification of Dr. Thomas Strüngmann as a candidate for the Supervisory Board, in particular due to his outstanding competence profile, his many years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, and his comprehensive industry and technical knowledge. Further information on the candidate can be found at:

Based on the resolution of the Supervisory Board, the proposed resolution on agenda item 9 of the invitation to the Annual General Meeting is amended as follows:

Elections to the Supervisory Board

The expansion of the Supervisory Board to four members proposed under agenda item 8 will, under German law, take effect upon entry into the Commercial Register of the respective amendment to the Articles of Incorporation.

The Supervisory Board of Formycon AG will thereupon, under the amended sec. 6 no. 1 of the Articles of Incorporation, consist of four members, each to be elected by a general meeting of shareholders. In its election of members of the Supervisory Board, the general meeting of shareholders is not bound by nominations.

To fill this additional future Supervisory Board position, it is proposed that this Annual General Meeting elect a fourth member of the Supervisory Board. It should be noted, however, that the term of office of the newly elected member will not begin until the expansion of the Supervisory Board enters into force.

Athos KG, which indirectly holds a total of 26.6% of the shares of Formycon AG by way of Santo Holding AG (Zug, Switzerland), Klinge Biopharma GmbH and FYB 202 GmbH & Co. KG, has in its capacity as a shareholder proposed Dr. Thomas Strüngmann for election to the Supervisory Board. Following its own examination, the Supervisory Board has considered and adopted this shareholder proposal and, against this background, herewith proposes Dr. Thomas Strüngmann for election as a member of the Supervisory Board in accordance with sec. 124 para. 3 sentence 1 of the Stock Corporation Act. Dr. Thomas Strüngmann has expressed his accordance with this proposal of the Supervisory Board and declared his intention to stand for election to the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board therefore proposes, subject to and beginning with the entry into force of the amendment to the Articles of Incorporation proposed under the above agenda item 8, that

Dr. Thomas Strüngmann,
residing in Bad Wiessee,
Entrepreneur, especially in the pharmaceutical industry and principal of ATHOS KG,

be elected as a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board for a term of office ending with the Annual General Meeting which decides upon the ratification of the acts of Supervisory Board members for the fourth fiscal year following the start of this term of office, whereby the fiscal year during which the term of office begins is not included.

The Supervisory Board has obtained assurance from the candidate that he will be able to devote the expected amount of time to her work on the Supervisory Board.

Further information on the proposed candidate (curriculum vitae) is available to shareholders on the Company’s website prior to and during the virtual Annual General Meeting at