Formycon moves to the Prime Standardof the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Formycon has been listed in the “Scale” segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2012. By moving to the Prime Standard in November 2024, Formycon is aiming to improve its positioning towards investors and the international capital market.


"Over the past years, we’ve established Formycon as an internationally recognized, independent specialist for the development of biosimilars. Following FYB201 - which is now available in 20 countries and the leading Lucentis® biosimilar in most markets – FYB202 and FYB203 will offer attractive therapeutic options for many patients and markets. This promising operational business development underlines the development potential of our company and forms the basis for the planned uplisting to a higher stock market segment, which sends a strong signal for our presence on the capital market."
Dr. Stefan Glombitza
Chief Executive Officer

"We have been preparing intensely for this step over the past months, and we are thrilled to announce this important milestone for Formycon. With a market capitalization of approximately 870 million euros, the company has reached a stage of growth and maturity that has significantly increased interest from international and institutional investors. Moving to the Prime Standard was essential to provide this investor group—and our existing shareholders—with enhanced access to Formycon’s stock. Looking ahead, this transition also opens the door to potential inclusion in one of Deutsche Börse’s select indices, which would further boost the stock’s visibility and appeal."
Enno Spillner
Chief Financial Officer

Photos Bellringing Event: martinjoppen.de

„We have been preparing intensely for this step over the past months, and we are thrilled to announce this important milestone for Formycon. With a market capitalization of approximately 870 million euros, the company has reached a stage of growth and maturity that has significantly increased interest from international and institutional investors. Moving to the Prime Standard was essential to provide this investor group — and our existing shareholders — with enhanced access to Formycon’s stock. Looking ahead, this transition also opens the door to potential inclusion in one of Deutsche Börse’s select indices, which would further boost the stock’s visibility and appeal.“
Enno Spillner, CFO of Formycon AG.
The prospectus required for the uplisting is expected to be available here from November 8, 2024 after approval by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).